by Robert H. Welch
Church ought to be the safest place on earth. Here's how to fulfill that goal in practical ways, from developing a security structure and team, to assessing interior and exterior building security, training ushers and greeters to be sensitive to security, forming an emergency reaction team, establishing financial accountability, and much more.
Serving by Safeguarding Your Church takes you through the ins and outs of building for security, organizing for security, taking actions to improve security, and dealing with keys, alarms, and security systems. Zondervan Practical Ministry Guides provide you with simple, practical insights for serving in today's churches. Written by experienced pastors and church workers, these easy-to-read, to-the-point booklets address the fundamentals of different ministries as practiced effectively in real life. You'll find biblical insight and wise, field-tested advice you can apply today, as well as discussion questions to help you think through and integrate what you read.