by Karen Appleby and Delia Halverson
Worship should be about more than just the ears. Worship is enhanced
when we’re experiencing more than simply the spoken, read, and sung
word. At its best, worship invites in the other senses as well,
especially the eyes. Delia Halverson and Karen Appleby have written Creating Holy Spaces to help you make worship an exciting and meaningful visual experience.
The book contains suggestions for worship visuals tied to each Sunday of
all three years of the Revised Common Lectionary. These visuals can be
assembled on the altar, placed elsewhere in the sanctuary, or
photographed to be used for projection. The weekly entries describe the
readings for that Sunday and suggest visuals appropriate to each,
creating a multisensory experience of worship bound up with the day’s
lectionary theme. Also, the reader will find three appendixes that help
with the planning and execution of visuals for each Sunday. Thanks to a
topical index and a scripture index, it is easier for those not using
the lectionary to also take advantage of the great ideas found here. Let
Halverson and Appleby show you how to create balanced worship
experiences each Sunday, while inspiring you to create your own unique
holy spaces.